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Unify, Unleash, Orchestrate Talent & Workforce Data

Transform your HR organization with Artificial Intelligence and Automation.

How it works?

1. Unify

Link your Talent Data channels with a few clicks, so they can share data.

2. Understand

Leverage our 6 AI modules to process your Talent Data.

3. Automate

Sync data between your tools and build workflows that meet your business logic.
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Unifyprofiles and jobs from every touch point

Understandyour HR data with one AI product or more

Automatetedious tasks

Sources & Boards

Collect your profiles and jobs from every platform and load them quickly into .


Send your profiles and jobs to hundreds of tools: ATS, CRM, Analytics, for marketing, data warehouses, and more.

6 AI modules to help you Build or Supercharge HR Systems

We provide a complete suite of processing solutions for HR data, engineered to satisfy all your use cases.
Parsing API

Structure your HR data across all media formats.

Meet the world's most advanced resume parser and job parser.

We combined the cutting edge Deep Computer Vision and Deep Natural Langage Processing algorithms to allow you automatically extract over 50+ HR data points from raw documents (PDF, DOCX, IMAGES, and more) and get a structured JSON format.

Tagging API

Don't judge only by what you see, go far beyond keywords.

Meet the world’s first skills prediction technology.

Get the full picture of your candidate’s real potential and write better job description. Based on our analysis of millions of career paths, our state-of-the-art Natural Langage Processing technology helps you not only mining the missing skills related to a candidate or a job but also predicting their Level.

Searching API

Deliver the most relevant profiles and jobs in milliseconds

Meet the world's most relevant search API for profiles and jobs.

We analyzed millions of professional career paths around the globe to design a semantic technology that genuinely understands the HR field. As a result, you can now retrieve hyper-relevant profiles and jobs with a blazingly fast neural search API.

Scoring API

The Netflix recommendation engine for profiles & jobs.

Meet the world’s most advanced profile and job matching technology.

In addition to the millions of career paths and job descriptions analyzed externally, we analyze your recruitment processes and the profiles of your top performers to build AI algorithms, called “Agents“ tailor-made for your organization and bias-free. These “Agents“ can be used to identify the best candidates for a position, find a candidate for internal mobility, or even recommend the best jobs to your candidates and your employees.

Upskilling API

Define and understand skills gaps.

Meet the world's first explainable AI-based matching technology.

Get deep analytics and insights about every recommendation from our algorithm so that you make your decision. Understand the reasons lying behind the matching based on specific attribute making the profile stands out ( transitions, experiences, education, skills, etc.) or external facts (industry, job market, best practices).

Embedding API

Build faster great AI algorithms for HR.

Meet the world's first HR data vectorizer as a service.

Save 90% of your R&D time. Build powerful and bias-free machine learning algorithms, with even small amount of HR data.

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